At the beginning of the summer we partnered up with Austin wedding, engagement, maternity, newborn and portrait photographer Sara Jordan. As a photographer she is used to photographing people in about every setting you could think of but had never turned her camera towards animals. We thought her incredible talent would be welcomed for the pups at the Austin Dog Rescue.
Sara has her own 4-legged fur baby at her feet most days if she is not behind her camera shooting. Her talent and love for animals comes through her lens flawlessly. She was able to capture these incredible pups from the Austin Dog Rescue with a one on one session at her studio. Each pup is living with a foster until they are adopted so the coordination of getting each pup to the studio was a little tedious but it worked incredible.
We at Lens and Leash want to thank Sara Jordan for donating her time and talent to helping these adorable pups find their forever homes. All it takes is one human to give their time and heart to a cause they believe in to help the animals around the world find a better future.
Lens And Leash: When did you first start taking up photography and why?
Sara Jordan Photography: I started off in High school only wanting to take great photos of my friends. 20 years later I’m pretty much doing the same thing.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: When did you start your photography business and what was your goal when you started the company?
Sara Jordan Photography: I officially graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography and started my business in 2004, at the time my goal was to make a living taking photos so I could eat.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What services do you provide?
Sara Jordan Photography: I shoot most people family, maternity, headshots and events

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What makes you stand out compared to other photographers?
Sara Jordan Photography: I pretty much never pay attention to what other photographers are doing. I will say my main focus is just to make my clients happy. I try and set expectations and then exceed them.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What is your style and what do you like to photograph most?
Sara Jordan Photography: It’s hard for my to describe my own work. I like to think I just take good photos (generic). People usually describe my work as beautiful, clean, clear…. I love shooting people but I get excited when someone calls Me with something I’ve never done before or something that allows for more creativity or something a little more technical.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: Do you have a favorite project you have shot and why?
Sara Jordan Photography: So years ago when I just shot weddings an oil company called me saying needing cool photos of a refinery and that I can do pretty much do anything I wanted to get them. Everyone has opinions about oil companies but as a photographer this was a very cool job. I still question their thinking behind calling a female, wedding photographer but I got to stand on top of this building and shoot the morning golden hour, 4 am, hard hat and coveralls… the photos are stunning!!! My liaison from the oil company said “do you know how many photographers I turn down daily that want to come shoot here?” I loved that job because I got to do something completely different from anything I’ve ever done, and they completely let left the creating to me.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What has been your favorite location to work at so far?
Sara Jordan Photography: I really can’t think of a favorite location but I like locations that good lighting options and look like you in the middle of no where.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What changes have you seen in the industry since you started?
Sara Jordan Photography: Photoshop, digital, iPhone, social media….. so many many changes

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What gets you most excited about your business and the future?
Sara Jordan Photography: I get excited about just thinking about shooting, and growing my business.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What inspires you?
Sara Jordan Photography: Everything!

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What is your favorite camera?
Sara Jordan Photography: I shoot with a Canon but I’m a firm believer that a camera doesn’t make photos great. If you are a professional photographer you should be able to get good photos with any camera. In fact I met a photographer that would take old brownies (which are practically pin hole cameras) and shoot stunning art photography.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: What is the one thing you have to have on all of your shoots?
Sara Jordan Photography: Good lighting! I’ll scout locations to find the best time to shoot.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: Do you have any tips for aspiring photographers?
Sara Jordan Photography: Take more photos. I feel like the more you shoot and edit your work, the more you’ll develop your work.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: Do you have any pets? Have you ever adopted?
Sara Jordan Photography: Of course, at one point I had 4 dogs living in a one bedroom apartment.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sara Jordan Photography: You can call me Al… Paul Simon Graceland

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Lens And Leash: If you were a dog or cat, what type of dog/cat would you be and why?
Sara Jordan Photography: If I could be a dog I’d want to be my dog because he lives a really good life. Extremely good. He travels with us everywhere, gourmet food twice a day, when we’re travelling he often eats room service, he is pretty much never left alone and sleeps all day. When have at least ten different nicknames including smamal (fusion of small animal).

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Sara Jordan Photography
1601 E Cesar Chavez St Unit 104, Austin, TX 78702
(512) 696-8501