Lens And Leash: Who is this adoption story about?
Jennifer DeFalco: Zuriel Samson Defalco our 4 year old male boxer.
Lens And Leash: What made you decide to adopt?
Jennifer DeFalco: I wanted another friend and pup when our other dog Chloe passed away.
Lens And Leash: When and where did you adopt Zuriel?
Jennifer DeFalco: July 2014 from the Nebraska Humane Society.

Zuriel On The Day He Found His New Family!
Lens And Leash: How old was Zuriel when you adopted him and do you know anything about his life before you adopted him?
Jennifer DeFalco: He was 9 months old and he was neglected as the family didn’t have time for him. He was really skinny but so happy – all the time!
Lens And Leash: What made you decide to adopt Zuriel specifically?
Jennifer DeFalco: My daughter looked online and saw him and immediately fell in love.
Lens And Leash: What is your favorite quirk about Zuriel?
Jennifer DeFalco: His dopey tooth and tongue (he has a crooked face) 🙂
Lens And Leash: Did you have to do any training with him after you adopted him?
Jennifer DeFalco: We did puppy training through the humane society.
Lens And Leash: What tips or pieces of advice would you offer to people that are looking to adopt for the first time?
Jennifer DeFalco: Be sure you are ready for a life change – they are not just a “pet,” they are family!
Lens And Leash: Would you adopt again and would you adopt from the same shelter/rescue?
Jennifer DeFalco: Absolutely!