Lens And Leash: Who is this adoption story about?
Padgett Hoke: Juniper + Tucker. Tucker is a handsome 10 year old male mixed breed. Juniper is our pretty 2 year old female predominately Great Pyrenees.

Juniper (left) – Tucker (right)
Lens And Leash: What made you decide to adopt?
Padgett Hoke: We really didn’t consider any other options but to adopt.
Lens And Leash: When and where did you adopt them?
Padgett Hoke: Tucker was adopted in May of 2008 from Anaconda, Montana. Juniper in March of 2016 from Lucky’s Place in Thayne, Wyoming.
Lens And Leash: How old were they when you adopted them and do you know anything about their lives before you adopted them?
Padgett Hoke: They were both puppies.
Lens And Leash: What made you decide to adopt them specifically?
Padgett Hoke: We just had a feeling with Tucker. He was in a litter of a number of different dogs rounded up from a nearby Reservation. He was gentle, sweet and calm amongst the chaos so we knew he was the one. Juniper was found abandoned with her brother, and we saw them on Petfinder and put in our application immediately. When we met Juniper and her brother, they were both super sweet. Juniper was a tad smaller and a little calmer, but it was tough to not take them both home.
Lens And Leash: What is your favorite quirk about them?
Padgett Hoke: Tucker has always been extremely lovable, sweet and well behaved. We don’t allow the dogs on the couch, but Tucker has learned he can back up to the couch and sit his hunches down like a human and ‘technically’ not break the rules. He has subsequently taught Juniper the same trick. Junipers quirks are numerous, and she has a very bold personality. We love it though when you pet her she arches her back much like a cat would do. She’s also known to chase her tail and is very easily amused.
Lens And Leash: Did you have to do any training with them after you adopted them?
Padgett Hoke: With Tucker we had to work on some of his fears – things above his head, objects that scared him, he is a gentle soul. We took Juniper to a couple puppy classes, but thus far have just trained her ourselves.
Lens And Leash: What tips or pieces of advice would you offer to people that are looking to adopt for the first time?
Padgett Hoke: Go with your gut!
Lens And Leash: Would you adopt again and would you adopt from the same shelter/rescue?
Padgett Hoke: Absolutely!
Photos by Peter Lobozzo.