It never gets old when we hear about a new animal finding the forever home that they need and deserve. Shelters are becoming overwhelmed all over the country. For this reason, we believe that every family that adopts are heroes in their own special way.
Today, we would like to give a huge shout out to the Goodwin family. They recently welcomed a furry little friend into their home. His name is Rascal. They’ve been spending a lot of time getting to know one another and they’re happy that Rascal has a place in their home, not only as a pet, but as a member of the family as well.
Let’s learn a little more about Rascal and what brought him into the Goodwin’s home.
Lens and Leash: Who is this adoption story about (name, breed, age, gender, etc…)? When and where did you adopt them and would you adopt from the same shelter/rescue in the future?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: Rascal, 1 year old, Rat Terrier Mix. Rascal came to live with us on Saturday 06/30/2018. We are enjoying our time getting to know our new family member.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
As mentioned before, the number of animals in shelters waiting for a loving family is through the roof. Sadly, many people decide to shop from pet stores or go through breeders when adding a furry little friend to their family.
Not the Goodwin’s though. Here’s what they had to say about why they chose to adopt.
Lens and Leash: What made you decide to adopt?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: All dogs deserve a good home.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Sometimes a name can paint a picture of a person or animal before you ever even meet them. I think the Goodwin’s would agree with this when it comes to Rascal. Simply put, Rascal is full of personality and his name fits him well.
Now let’s go over exactly how Rascal got his awesome name.
Lens and Leash: Does their “name” have a special meaning or story behind it?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: Rascal matches his personality, so we kept his adopted name.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
You can easily find animals of all ages in shelters across the country. In a way, this makes it easy for people to find the perfect fit for their home. Whether you’re looking for a pup, a middle-aged friend, or even an old timer that’s looking for a family that will offer special care and attention, just about any shelter you visit will have plenty of options.
I bet you’re wondering how old Rascal was when he was adopted as well as how he ended up in the shelter. Well, you’re about to find out.
Lens and Leash: How old were they when you adopted them and do you know anything about their life before you adopted them?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: Rascal is approximately 1 year old, he was found wandering the streets as a stray when he was picked up.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Every adopted animal, as well as their adopting family, has a story about how their family grew. Rascal is no different. Let’s just say he has a way of capturing hearts.
So, what did it take for Rascal to land his new forever home? This answer from the Goodwin’s sums it all up.
Lens and Leash: Why did you adopt them specifically and was there any hesitation in adopting them because of breed, stigma or anything else?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: We loved his smile in all his pictures, just knew he belonged with our family.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
One of the best things about animals of all kinds is that they have their own personalities. It’s not uncommon for them to go out of their way to put a smile on the face of every person in their family. Rascal does this with ease.
Let’s take a look at what makes Rascal brighten up the people around him.
Lens and Leash: What is your favorite quirk about them and what is their favorite things to do?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: His short legs, but he is quick and agile. Fun loving little guy.
All animals are different when it comes to behavior. Some may be well behaved with little to no effort on the end of their family, while others may need extensive training. What’s important to remember is that with work and effort, nearly any animal can correct their behaviors. That’s why it is so important that people don’t give up on them.
With a name like Rascal, I bet you’re wondering how he behaves around the house. Well, check out what the Goodwin’s had to say.
Lens and Leash: Did you have to do any training with them after you adopted them or have people ever been hesitant on approaching them before getting to know them?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: We plan on doing some formal training with Rascal, but he is already a good boy.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Advice is always helpful, especially when it comes to something like adopting an animal. If you’ve been thinking about bringing a new furry little friend into your home, pay close attention to the Goodwin’s response to the following question.
Lens and Leash: What tips or pieces of advice would you offer to people that are looking to adopt for the first time?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: Be ready to work with them, you are never sure exactly what they have been through. Be patient and loving and they will be the same.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
Simply put, it’s time to do something about the overcrowding in shelters. Humans are the answer. If we just adopted more and purchased less, the positive impact made on homeless animals would be incredible.
We believe the Goodwin’s are on the same page with us. Take a look at their response to our final question of this interview.
Lens and Leash: Anything else you would like to add?
Roger and Joan Goodwin: If you are wanting a dog, adoption is a great way to do it.

Photographed by Sara Jordan Photography
I think the Goodwin family is setting an example that we should all follow. Little by little, family by family, adoption by adoption, we can make a difference and find loving animals the homes they so desperately need.